Winter Holistic Skincare Survival Guide: 7 Tips for Minnesotans 

by Brenna Erickson, DC

As the winter season approaches and temperatures drop, our skin often becomes the first casualty of the harsh conditions. Cold and dry environments can wreak havoc on our skin, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation. However, with a proactive and nurturing skincare routine, you can protect your skin from the winter woes and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion. In this blog post, we'll explore a comprehensive winter skincare survival guide to help you navigate the extreme dry and cold air of Minneapolis winters. 

1) Hydration is Key:

One of the main challenges in cold and dry environments is the lack of moisture in the air. To compensate for this, it's crucial to focus on hydrating your skin from within. Drink plenty of water, herbal tea, or bone broth throughout the day to keep your body and skin adequately hydrated. Consider using a humidifier in your living and sleeping spaces to add moisture to the air, preventing your skin from drying out. 

When spending time outside for outdoor activities, consider using a neck gaiter or scarf over your nose and mouth.  The air you exhale has more water than the ambient air, so it helps prevent moisture loss to the outside air. 

(Bonus tip!  A humidifier can also help cut down on static electricity!  I  have a humidifier running in my treatment room all winter so I don’t get shocked)

2) Gentle Cleansing:

Opt for a gentle, hydrating cleanser to avoid stripping your skin of its natural oils. Harsh foaming cleansers with detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate can exacerbate dryness, leading to irritation and sensitivity. Look for cream cleaners, oil cleaners, or balms to provide a gentle clean without stripping your face of its natural oils. Cleansing your face once a day is sufficient – in the evening is preferable to remove any sunscreen, makeup, or accumulated dirt from the day; without overdoing it.

3) Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize:

Most Invest in a rich and nourishing moisturizer to create a protective barrier on your skin. Look for products with ingredients ceramides, squalane, that help retain moisture and strengthen the skin's natural barrier. Apply your moisturizer on damp skin to lock in hydration. Don't forget your eyes and lips!  A dab of lip balm before bed can help prevent chapped and flaky winter lips. 

AVOID products with hyaluronic acid during the winter.  Hyaluronic acid is classified as a humectant, which means that it stores water it pulls from its environment. If you use skincare products with hyaluronic acid in a dry environment, it can actually pull moisture out of your skin instead of from the air around you.

4) Sunscreen Still matters:

Even in winter, UV rays can be harmful to your skin, especially in snowy environments where they can be reflected. When spending time outside use a mineral-based broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to shield your skin from the sun's damaging effects. Apply it generously on exposed areas, including your face, around your eyes, neck, and hands, if they are exposed. 

5) Exfoliate Strategically:

Regular exfoliation is helpful to slough off dead skin cells and promote cell turnover. However, be mindful of the frequency, especially in extreme weather conditions. Opt for a gentle exfoliant once or twice a week to avoid over-exfoliating, which can worsen dryness. Fresh new skin can be more vulnerable to damage in harsh environments. Dab ointment or rich moisturizer onto any dry flaky areas to help protect and rehydrate them. 

I like using lanolin as my multi-use winter balm. I don't recommend it for anyone with wool allergies though!

6) Treat Your Hands and Lips:

Hands and lips are particularly vulnerable to cold weather. Invest in a good quality hand cream and lip balm to keep these areas moisturized. Apply lip balm regularly, and consider using a thicker hand cream at night. 

7) Lock in Moisture after Bathing: 

While a hot shower may be tempting in chilly weather, it can strip your skin of essential oils and exacerbate dryness. Opt for lukewarm water and limit your shower time to prevent moisture loss, and apply body oil after bathing on damp skin to prevent moisture loss and deeply hydrate your skin.  I love my Winter Body Oil formulated with shea oil to keep my skin smooth and soft all winter, because I still love my hot showers. 

Surviving extreme cold and dry environments requires a dedicated and proactive approach to skincare. By incorporating some simple tips into your winter skincare routine, you can nurture your skin and emerge from the winter season with a healthy and radiant complexion. Remember, consistency is key, so stick to your winter skincare regimen to ensure your skin remains protected and moisturized throughout the cold months.

Questions? Reach out to any of our docs, especially the author of this piece, Dr. Brenna Erickson.

Michele Renee