Getting to Know You

Why Stockheart feels that understanding the whole person impacts determining a care plan that is suitable for each individual's health needs:

This is not cookbook medicine. We don't have a one-size-fits-all protocol for anything. Our favorite part of what we do is sitting with you, listening to your story, and then helping you see what the next chapter could look like. But the key here is listening deeply! You are a complex person with a lot of things to consider. We don't rush that process. Particularly when you see one of our chiropractors or Traditional Chinese Medicine providers, we want to know all about your health history and the bigger picture of your life, and not just your symptoms.

Your understanding about your health, wellness, and healing is very important to us. Once we gather all this information, we are well prepared to talk you through a few options for care and help you find a strategy that works for you. We view this as a process that unfolds over time, so even once we start down that path toward greater wellness, we're ready to adapt wherever we need to so that it suits your needs.

You are at the center of your care! We are here to facilitate the process.

Start HereMichele Renee